Zipcca Vacuum Valve / 真空鈕扣
What is Zipcca Vacuum Valve?
It is a patented button-like clip that can be attached to any zip bag for manual vacuum without the use of electronic vacuum sealer.
Benefits :
- Reusable
- Battery-free
- Storage friendly
- Made of food grade materials
- Can be used on any plastic zip bag
How does it work?
好處 :
- 重覆使用,配件可拆卸清洗
- 不需插電
- 收納方便
- 食品級材料,放心接觸食物
- 不需購買特殊規格的袋子
- 食物拆封後吃不完時就使用原來的包裝袋,達到真空儲存
使用方法 :
Products 產品
Zipcca Starter Kit 入門套裝
Includes 內有:
● 3 x Valves 專利鈕扣
● 1 x Manual pump 手動抽氣棒
● 15 x Zip bag 密實袋
● 2 x Sealing clip 封口夾